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How to import Partition field from CUCM

Applies to:

Imagicle UCX Suite for Cisco UC ver. 2018.6.1 or newer


Imagicle UCX Suite can import users' partition field from CuCM; this option is hidden by default, so it is only matter of making it appearing among the CuCM Adapter's rules.



This configuration is overwritten upon UCX Suite update, so make sure to make a backup copy of amended setting file.

  1. Connect to Imagicle UCX Suite server via RDP and go to StonevoiceAS\Apps\Fw\Settings. Locate and open the followig file: CcmAdapterRules.script.settings.schema.xml​

  2. Look for the statement related to the partition, as in picture below:

  1. Change the partition attributes list by removing "Reserved". it should look like the picture below:

  1. Save the file and exit.

  2. Restart Imagicle Synchronizer service in Windows Service Panel.

Access to Imagicle web portal and go to Admin » User Management » Synchronize users with an external data source » Configure Sync Rules.

Make sure ADAPTER'S RULE TYPE is set to CuCM.

A new UCX User Parameter “PBX Partition”, with the related Configure rule, appears as in the image below:

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