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How to modify mail notification templates for admin and users in Budget Control application

Article ID: 637
Last updated: 10 Jan, 2019
to version Application Suite 201x (any version)

Applies to:

Application suite


How to modify mail notification templates for admin and users in Budget Control applications


Modify default template globally:

1. Open the language (en-English, it-Italian, fr-French, ecc..) folder in 
<StonevoiceAS>\Apps\BudgetControl\Locale\ accordingly to the template language you need to modify

2. Make a copy of the template file User.mails.template.txt

3. Rename the copy with .user extension like User.mails.template.txt.user​

4. Edit the file

Add images from an external source:

​In the same txt file add html tag

<img id="logoID" src="https://[ImageUrl]"/>


[Section: NewBudgetAssigned_Body]
<img id="logoID" src="https://[ImageUrl]"/>
A new budget was assigned to ?BudgetType? ?BudgetFor? with Imagicle Budget Control
<td nowrap>Budget value: </td><td nowrap>?BudgetValue?</td>
<td nowrap>Budget period: </td><td nowrap>?BudgetPeriod?</td>
<td nowrap>Phone lock on budget limit: </td><td nowrap>?LockPhoneYesNo?</td>
<td nowrap>Budget accumulation: </td><td nowrap>?BudgetAccumulation?</td>
<td nowrap></td><td nowrap></td>
<td nowrap>Actual cost: </td><td nowrap>?ActualCost?</td>
<td nowrap></td><td nowrap></td>
<td nowrap>Date and time: </td><td nowrap>?CurrentDateTime?</td>

Article ID: 637
Last updated: 10 Jan, 2019
Revision: 4
Views: 168
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