Budget Control custom email notification templates
Applies to:
UCX suite, any version
How to modify mail notification templates for admin and users in Budget Control applications
Modify default template globally:
Open the language (en-English, it-Italian, fr-French, ecc..) folder in
<StonevoiceAS>\Apps\BudgetControl\Locale\ accordingly to the template language you need to modify
Duplicate the template file User.mails.template.txt
Rename the copy with .user extension like User.mails.template.txt.user
Edit the file
Add images from an external source:
In the same txt file add html tag
<img id="logoID" src="https://[ImageUrl]"/>
[Section: NewBudgetAssigned_Body]
<img id="logoID" src="https://[ImageUrl]"/>
A new budget was assigned to ?BudgetType? ?BudgetFor? with Imagicle Budget Control
<td nowrap>Budget value: </td><td nowrap>?BudgetValue?</td>
<td nowrap>Budget period: </td><td nowrap>?BudgetPeriod?</td>
<td nowrap>Phone lock on budget limit: </td><td nowrap>?LockPhoneYesNo?</td>
<td nowrap>Budget accumulation: </td><td nowrap>?BudgetAccumulation?</td>
<td nowrap></td><td nowrap></td>
<td nowrap>Actual cost: </td><td nowrap>?ActualCost?</td>
<td nowrap></td><td nowrap></td>
<td nowrap>Date and time: </td><td nowrap>?CurrentDateTime?</td>