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Cisco TSP installation

This procedure describes how to install the Cisco UCM TSP (Telephony Service Provider) on the UCX Suite server.

Create an application user and associate devices

The user needs administrative privileges. For detailed information about how to associate the devices to this user and which IP phones to associate, please refer to CUCM Application User configuration.

Note: You can create the Application User later on, as long as you configure proper credentials in TSP.

Package download

Please connect to Imagicle UCX Suite server via RDP.

Open a browser and use the following URL to download the Cisco TSP Plugin from a CUCM node:

Alternatively, login the CUCM Web interface as admin and select "plugins" from the Application Menu.


Select the "installation" plugin type and press Find. Locate the "Cisco Telephony Service Provider" plugin and press Download on the proper version (32/64 bit) according with the Windows Server architecture you're going to install on:


Save the CiscoTSP.exe file to the UCX Suite server and launch it as Administrator.


During installation, enter the CUCM IP address in the CTI Manager field, and the credentials of the Imagicle CTI user (typically: ImagicleCTI/ImagicleCTI). If you have a CUCM cluster, you can enter the IP address of the Publisher + a Subscriber.


Select Cisco Wave Drivers installation, even if they are not required by Imagicle applications.


After installation, you can edit the TSP configuration through the Control Panel, Phone and Modem Options, under the Advanced Tab, selecting it from the list and pressing the Configure button.


Warning: whenever you upgrade your CuCM to a new release, it is MANDATORY to replace the TSP accordingly. After CuCM upgrade, please download and install the new TSP package.

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