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IVR Service Managers

Retrieve Managers

GET /Services/{serviceId}/Users/Managers

Retrieves the list of managers assigned to a specific IVR service.

Path Parameter:

  • serviceId (required)
    Type: integer
    Description: The identifier of the IVR service.
    Example: 561814

Requires Basic Authentication.


  • 200 OK:
    Returns an array of manager objects. Each manager object includes:

    • username (string): The manager's username.

    • firstName (string): The manager's first name.

    • lastName (string): The manager's last name.

    • telephoneAddress (string): The primary extension number.

  • 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error, 504 Gateway Timeout:
    Standard error responses.

Add a Manager

POST /Services/{serviceId}/Users/Managers

Adds a new manager to the specified IVR service.

Path Parameter:

  • serviceId (required)
    Type: integer
    Description: The identifier of the IVR service.
    Example: 561814

Request Body:
The request must include a JSON object with:

  • username (string, required):
    The username of the manager to add.
    Example: "john_doe"

Requires Basic Authentication.


  • 201 Created:
    Indicates that the user has been successfully added as a manager.

  • 400 Bad Request:
    If validation errors occur.

  • 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 409 Conflict, 500 Internal Server Error, 504 Gateway Timeout:
    Standard error responses.

Remove a Manager

DELETE /Services/{serviceId}/Users/Managers/{username}

Removes a manager from the IVR service.

Path Parameters:

  • serviceId (required)
    Type: integer
    Description: The identifier of the IVR service.
    Example: 561814

  • username (required)
    Type: string
    Description: The username of the manager to remove.
    Example: "john_doe"

Requires Basic Authentication.


  • 204 No Content:
    Indicates that the manager has been successfully removed.

  • 400 Bad Request:
    If the provided parameters are invalid.

  • 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden:
    The authenticated user is not authorized to perform this operation. (Note: Only users with complete management authorization can remove themselves.)

  • 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error, 504 Gateway Timeout:
    Standard error responses.

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