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Product integration API

This API provides endpoints to manage IVR (Interactive Voice Response) services. You can retrieve, create, modify, delete, and even clone IVR services. In addition, there are endpoints for managing the list of managers associated with a given IVR service.


All endpoints require HTTP Basic Authentication. Clients must include an Authorization header with the username and password encoded in Base64.

Example Header:

Authorization: Basic {base64(username:password)}

Server Information

The IVR Services API is hosted on the following URL:

  • host: The IAS server hostname or IP address.

Common Response Codes

The API uses a set of common response codes across endpoints:

  • 200 OK:
    Request processed successfully with a response payload.

  • 204 No Content:
    Request processed successfully without returning content.

  • 400 Bad Request:
    Indicates validation errors or missing parameters. The error response often contains a reason code describing the issue.

  • 401 Unauthorized:
    Authentication is missing or invalid.

  • 403 Forbidden:
    The authenticated user is not authorized to perform the operation. Specific messages may indicate if additional IVR management rights are required.

  • 404 Not Found:
    The requested resource (such as an IVR service or manager) could not be found.

  • 409 Conflict:
    The request conflicts with the current state of the resource (e.g., an IVR service with the given name already exists).

  • 500 Internal Server Error:
    An unexpected error occurred on the server.

  • 504 Gateway Timeout:
    The IVR service is currently unavailable.


The IVR Services API allows you to:

  • Retrieve and manage IVR services:
    List available services, create new ones, update existing ones, delete them, or clone a service.

  • Manage service managers:
    Get the list of managers for an IVR service, add new managers, or remove existing ones.

Every operation is secured via HTTP Basic Authentication, and responses follow standard HTTP status codes for easy integration and troubleshooting.

For further details or examples, please refer to the full OpenAPI YAML specification.

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