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IVR Services List

GET /Services

Retrieves a list of IVR services. Optionally, you can filter the results by specifying a tenantId.

Query Parameter:

  • tenantId (optional)
    Type: string
    Description: Filters IVR services by the tenant identifier.
    Example: "6649e002-65ec-4eab-a4d6-7f3d493a1311"

Requires Basic Authentication.


  • 200 OK:
    Returns an array of IVR service objects. Each object includes:

    • id (integer): The IVR service ID.

    • name (string): The name of the IVR service.

    • phoneNumber (string): The phone number associated with the IVR service.

    • tenantId (string): The tenant identifier for the service.

  • 401 Unauthorized:
    Authentication is missing or incorrect.

  • 403 Forbidden:
    The authenticated user is not authorized. (For example, the user must have IVR module complete management rights or be a manager of at least one IVR service.)

  • 500 Internal Server Error / 504 Gateway Timeout:
    Indicates server issues or that the IAS service is unavailable.

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