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Firewall and Antivirus recommendations

Installing UCX Console client on a workstation equipped with AV

It happens sometimes that certain Antivirus applications recognize Imagicle UCX Console as a foreign, untrusted application, thus avoiding the installation and automatically deleting the relevant executable.

In this case, the solution is to configure the Antivirus to exclude UCX Console client from the list of monitored folders or to add it in the list of trusted applications.

Typically, Imagicle UCX Console is installed in this folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Imagicle Attendant Console, unless a different path is specified during setup wizard.

Imagicle UCX Console communicates with Imagicle UCX Suite on TCP port 51235 and 51236 (Secure) or TCP 51234 (unsecure). UCX Cloud Suite supports secure connection only.

Digital Certificate requirements for encrypted connections

Encrypted TLS 1.2 connection between Imagicle UCX Console and UCX on-prem/hosted Suite server(s) requires a trusted Digital Certificate. This is not required when leveraging an Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite.
The certificate used to secure the communication channel between the UCX Console client and the server is the same used by the WEB portal. Therefore, if you need to deploy a trusted certificate, follow the same instructions needed to deploy a trusted certificate for the suite web portal. 

Please find below the rules for a proper certificates deployment:

  • If you set a FQDN name in Connection options:

    • Every Imagicle UCX Suite node must have own Certificate, where Subject Alternate Name (SAN) should include the FQDN (wildcard is acceptable, to avoid different Certificates for different Imagicle HA nodes). More info here.

    • If you decide to deploy a Trusted Certificate:

      • You don't have to install it on operators' workstations. Only on UCX Suite node(s)

      • No additional actions required for both stand-alone or HA environments, leveraging DNS SRV or not.

    • If you decide to deploy a self-signed Certificate:

      • You must install it on both UCX Suite node(s) AND operators/agents' workstations.

      • No additional actions required for both stand-alone or HA environments, leveraging DNS SRV or not.

  • If you configure an IP address in Connection options:

    • Any Digital Certificate, Trusted or self-signed, can be used.

    • No need to install it on operators' workstations.

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