Camp-On Feature
The Camp-On queue
The camp-on queue allows to directly transfer a call towards an internal number. If the number is busy or not answering, Advanced Queuing keeps the call waiting, and the caller hears music on hold. When the destination number becomes available, the call is automatically transferred to the final target number.
The call is kept on the camp-on queue:
Until the maximum waiting time is reached
Until an agent manually retrieves the call from camp-on
Until the target number becomes available
Agents using UCX Attendant Console can leverage the camp-on queue through a dedicated button included in the graphic interface. Agents with UCX Agent Console or standard users may still leverage the camp-on feature by dialing:
<Camp-on-prefix><destination number>
E.g. **1001
You enter the camp-on prefix in the Queue Phone number field in the Camp-on queue basic settings. Please make sure this prefix is also configured in Cisco calling platform, through a specific Route Pattern.
One camp-on queue is built in. You can add more camp-on queues, if you want to reserve the feature to specific operators. In that case, you may edit: Queue Basic settings, Call Distribution advanced settings, a subset of the Voice Messages and the Queue Permissions.
The maximum number of call that can be parked on all camp-on queues is double the number of licensed channels. E.g. if you purchased 8 channels license, you get 16 camp-on channel resources.