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Call Analytics in a MS Direct Routing architecture

Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite for Microsoft Teams supports Imagicle Call Analytics (any version) by documenting external PSTN calls and MS-Teams to local PBX calls passing through MS Direct Routing or Operator Connect SBC.

Please note that MS-Teams to MS-Teams internal calls can't be currently documented.


  • Please make sure that Imagicle UCCS has been already cloud authenticated, by following this procedure.

  • Please make sure that MS-Teams users' list has been provisioned from Entra ID, populating each First Extension Number or Extension Number Alias field with SIP UPN or phone number.

  • Some European countries provide call accounting data with partially hidden PSTN numbers, as per local privacy regulations. Check here for more details.


Please open a web browser on a PC configured within your Corporate Microsoft domain and enter the following URL:


An authentication window pops-up, where you need to enter the credentials of a valid MS-Teams administrator account:


Once logged in, you are prompted to authorize Imagicle app, as per below screenshot sample:


Click on "Accept". Your browser is redirected to a non-existing web page on localhost. This is normal. See below:


Copy above URL and save it for later usage.

To double check proper connector enablement, you can connect to with Tenant Admin credentials. The list of available applications should include Imagicle Call Analytics Connector, as per below sample:


Imagicle Cloud CDRs Enablement

Imagicle now needs to configure the CDRs connector in own Cloud and add the Direct Routing/OpConnect SBCs data into Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite instance.

For this purpose, please send to Imagicle Support team the following data:

  • Above "localhost" URL, including the MS-Teams Tenant ID.

  • Public FQDN of each Direct Routing or OpConnect SBC in use for PSTN breakout.

  • If same SBCs are used to provide PSTN access to an additional, local PBX, then Imagicle Call Analytics can also document internal calls between local PBX and MS-Teams. For this purpose, Imagicle needs to know the numbering plan in use in the local PBX, to properly distinguish MS-Teams calls against local PBX calls.

Please allows up to 2-3 days to enable the CDR connector on Imagicle Cloud.

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