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Global Settings

Imagicle Contact Manager includes a "Manage Service" menu item, accessible to administrators only, which allows to apply some settings at global level. This web page includes different sections, below explained:

Service Status

Here you can start and Stop Contact Manager service, to block the access to all Imagicle directories.

Contact Manager XML Service URL (CUCM only)

This section includes a read-only URL to be copied/pasted into CUCM Phone Service, to allow the access to Imagicle directories from Cisco IP Phones supporting XML/SOAP services.

Internal contacts settings

This setting allows to decide how to store internal contacts, manually provisioned or synched against an external source. Two available options:

  • A single public directory: Default setting, where all internal contacts are stored into a single "Local Contacts" Public directory.

  • Different department directories (Contacts separation): If you select this radio button, internal contacts are automatically stored into multiple Department directories. Each directory is named with department. Contacts with an empty Department field are left in "Local Contacts" Public directory.

Additional details about this feature are available in a dedicated KB article.

Service configuration (CUCM only)

Below flags dictate how Caller ID lookup feature is applied to Cisco IP Phones:

  • Show Caller ID on phones not associated to any user: If Imagicle UCX Suite can't correlate a phone device to an Imagicle user, Caller ID is not provided. By flagging this option, Caller ID is always provided to all IP Phones/softphones registered to CUCM.

  • Enable lookup of users extension numbers: Cisco UCM provides Caller ID feature for calls among internal extensions. By flagging this option, Caller ID is always provided by Imagicle, even for internal calls.

  • Enable signalling lookup with External Call Control-Curri: CUCM ver. 10.0 and above allows to add Caller ID details within SIP signaling, by triggering an ECC profile upon inbound calls. More details in this KB article.

Display Name formatting rules (CUCM only)

It is possible to configure the lookup results, representing a list of tags that Imagicle UCX Suite can replace with contact information returning from lookup. Available tags are shown in this section. It is possible to specify more than one format string: the top one containing only non empty placeholders is adopted.

Please change the "Display Name Formatting rules" text box, according to the desired format.

Contact First Name: John
Contact Last Name: White
Contact Company: Acme

Display Name formatting rules:
Result -> John White - Acme
Result -> Acme
Result -> John White

Contact First Name: Marc
Contact Last Name: Bloom
Contact Company: - (Empty)

Display Name formatting rules:
Result -> Marc Bloom

Numbering Plan Parameters

When working on incoming and outgoing calls, Contact Manager heavily relies on the company's numbering plan setup.

These settings are included into "Numbering plan parameters". Read this article for more details.

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