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Handling incoming transactions with Fax-to-Email

Fax to Email configuration

From Digital Fax "Application Settings" page press the "Set »" button near "Incoming Faxes". Here flag the "Enable Incoming Faxes" checkbox to enable fax reception at global level.

Moreover, you can set the following parameters:

  • Enable Return Receipt: this flag enables overall email notifications from Digital Fax application

  • Attach Fax to return Receipt: checkbox to enable fax document attachment to incoming faxes notifications

  • Enable Fax Enqueued Receipt: if this option is enabled, whenever a fax is added to the outgoing queue a receipt is sent to the sending user

  • Notify Failed Incoming Calls: When an incoming fax has been notified by the PBX but not enough or partial data is received, an email notification is sent to the fax recipient. By default, a fax without body is simply ignored

  • Use sender number as FROM mail field: if flagged, above email address will include sender fax number


If you wish to leverage the same protocol and the same originating email address for sending fax-to-email notifications, please leave the Protocol Type set to "Use system parameters". In this case, Imagicle UCX Suite leverages the configuration highlighted in this KB article and the flag "Enable Outgoing Mail" must be checked.

Otherwise, you can choose to leverage SMTP protocol and apply below configurations:

SMTP Protocol

Outgoing Email Settings are the same as previous paragraph. When you select "Use specific SMTP server" from Protocol Type pull-down menu, you get an additional form to be filled with SMTP-related data:

  • Email From Address: This is the fax2email originating address used by Digital Fax to send email notifications. If SMTP server allows anonymous relay, here you can specify a dummy email address on company's domain

  • Server Name: This is the IP address/FQDN of your SMTP server/relay

  • Server Port: Dictates which protocol you are going to use to communicate with SMTP server. Any TCP port is accepted. Standard preferred ports are:

    • SMTP AUTH: Port 25

    • SMTP SSL: Port 465

    • SMTP StartTLS: Port 587

  • Use Authentication: Flag this field if your SMTP server does not support anonymous relay

  • ​Username: if above authentication flag is checked, add the userID associated to SMTP fax to email address

  • Password: if above authentication flag is checked, add password to login to SMTP fax to email address

  • Proxy: If a Proxy is in place, please select it. More info here.

Note that by clicking the "Test connection" button, configuration is saved.


Do not enter here the same account you used for Email-to-fax configuration. Doing so can lead to unpredictable loops if Digital Fax tries to send a fax to wrong addresses or to people who set an out-of-office autoreply message.

Configuration for GMAIL - SMTP

Below the specific GMAIL SMTP configuration (sample):


If you are experiencing fax sending failures when using SMTP protocol, please access to Imagicle UCX Suite via RDP and edit the following file: C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\StoneFax\Server\System\StoneFax.ini

Please locate [SMTP_Parameters] section and make sure that the following parameter is properly set: SMTPEnabled=1

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