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How to change UCX Suite default language


How to change Application Suite default language.

  • Web interface 

  • Default audio files


  1. Connect to the Imagicle Server via RDP

  2. Edit with Notepad \StonevoiceAS\System\SvSasPlatforms.ini

  3. Change PackageAppLang=
    en = English
    it = Italian
    fr = French
    de = German
    es = Spanish
    ar = Arabic

  4. Save

  5. Edit \StonevoiceAS\Apps\\BillyBlues\Engine\Web\Versions\BB\@AppSettings.config

  6. Edit file according to the desired language  (it-IT / fr-FR / en-US / en-IE / de-DE / es-ES / ar-AR)
        <!-- LANGUAGE -->
        <add key="LANGUAGE" value="en-US" /> 
        <add key="LANGUAGE-UI" value="en-US" />
        <add key="LANGUAGE-REPORT" value="en-US" />
        <!-- END LANGUAGE -->

  7. Save

  8. Open a Command Prompt in  \StonevoiceAS\System\

  9. Type BackupRestore.exe /UPGRADE and press enter (All services will be stopped)

  1. Follow the wizard and click on "Next" to complete it.

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