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How to increase the warning value reported in the monitoring tool for MaxMemory consumed by the billing system


By default the MAM (UCX Suite monitoring service) is set to send a warning when the bminer.exe process (used in the billing system) exceeds the memory usage of 200MB.


To increase this warning value and set it to -for example- to 1000 MB proceed as follow:

  1. Open the file <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\Fw\Settings\FW.Watchdog.Service.config.xml

  2. Add the string <preference key="performance.process.bminer.exe.MaxMemory"  value="1000" /> between the tags configuration:

<configuration version="" >
<!-- Watchdog custom configuration -->
<preference key="performance.process.bminer.exe.MaxMemory" value="1000" />

  1. Save and close the file

  2. Restart the server

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