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How to schedule service restart


How to schedule service restart


  1. Download IAS Service restart.rar

  2. Extract all in Application Suite Server

  3. Downloaded batch file will restart both Call Recoding and QueueManager services
    If nedeed, edit "RestartIASService.bat" to choose which service you need restart (change service name)

    To restart Call Recording service
    net stop Recorder.Service
    net start Recorder.Service
    To restart QueueManager service
    net stop SvQmeCoreService
    net start SvQmeCoreService

  4. Open Windows Task Scheduler

  • Select the “IAS Restart Service.xml” file just downloaded, then click on the open button to confirm

  • Customize the activity to be scheduled (Daily example here)

  • Select the “Actions” tab and choose the RestartIASServices.bat file according to the importing folder

  • From the “General tab” click on the OK button and insert the User’s credentials with priviliges to execute the task.

  • Now the activity has been scheduled,  from Windows Event Viewer you can check if the task occured

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