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Download Recording's Sentiment Scores

GET /v1/recordings/{recordingId}/sentiment

Provides sentiment analysis for the specified recording. The response includes scores for each sentence, global sentiment data, and speaker-specific sentiment scores.


  • Bearer Authentication required.

Path Parameter:

  • recordingId: The recording’s unique identifier.


  • 200 OK:
    Returns a JSON object with:

    • sentences: An ordered array of objects (each includes sentiment, score, and an optional error object).

    • global: A global sentiment score and sentiment classification, with optional percentage breakdown.

    • speakers: An array of objects, each containing a speakerId, a sentiment score, sentiment classification, and optionally an error or an assigned speaker label.


      "global": {
        "score": 0.8,
        "sentiment": "POSITIVE",
        "percentages": { "negative": 0.15, "positive": 0.75, "neutral": 0.1 },
        "error": null
      "speakers": [
        { "speakerId": "1", "score": 0.5, "sentiment": "POSITIVE", "assignedSpeaker": "Name Surname" },
        { "speakerId": "2", "score": -0.5, "sentiment": "NEGATIVE" }
      "sentences": [
        { "sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "score": 0.1, "error": null },
        { "sentiment": "POSITIVE", "score": 1, "error": null }
  • 204 No Content: Analysis still in progress.

  • 401, 403, 404, 500: Error responses.

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