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How to free up space in Imagicle Server

Delete all Imagicle log files 

  1. Open folder “\StonevoiceAS\Var\Log

  2. Select all files and delete them (“Skip” File in use message)

  3. In the web page you can set the retention for the log files (Admin|Support|Logs)

Delete all inetpub log files

  1. Open folder C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1

  2. Select all files and delete them (“Skip” File in use message)
    Follow this guide to configure an automatic retention

Download TreeSize Portable

  1. Download TreeSize software here, and run it.

  2. Select folder  and wait until the end of the scanning.

  3. Delete unused files (Usually Download - Documents - Backup - Temp folder)

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