Knowlege base

Phone Lock Administration

Article ID: 68
Last updated: 18 Aug, 2021

How to reset the users' PIN

When the users access Phone Lock XML service, a personal PIN is requested. This pin is stored in the users' list.

A default PIN can be entered by the UC Suite administrator, when users list is created.

The users may change their PIN directly through the XML service or through the web interface.

Should a user forget his/her pin, he/she can reset it through the web interface. The PIN can also be reset by the administrator.

The maximum PIN length is 50.

Warning: the PIN is shared with other Imagicle applications and services. If VoiceMail is licensed, the user PIN length must be exactly 4.

Administratively locking phone device/line

The administrator can lock the user's phone line through the user's list. This setting overrides user's preference.

Quick troubleshooting tip: if a device is not associated to ImagicleCTI Application User on CUCM, Phone Lock TAPI engine can't lock the device. If CURRI engine is enabled, TAPI monitoring is not required.

Article ID: 68
Last updated: 18 Aug, 2021
Revision: 2
Views: 718
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