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Specific WxC MT Product Configurations

Configuring Imagicle Billing

Hotel Link relies on Call Analytics to calculate the call costs, so it must be fully configured and tested before configuring Hotel Link. Please refer to Call Analytics administration guide available here.

When configuring Call Analytics, please mind the following:

  • Only calls that have a cost are posted (that is, calls which are Outgoing and Answered). So configure Call Analytics to discard internal calls, to save database and CPU resources. You should activate internal calls processing only if advanced call analysis is explicitly required by the customer.

  • The number of calls placed from the hotel rooms is usually low. When configuring the call check interval for the Recorder service, the recommended value is 30 seconds.

  • Calls older than 20 minutes are discarded. For this reason, it is mandatory that the Imagicle UCX Suite server time and the Cisco Control Hub time are aligned. Usage of a NTP service is recommended.

  • Calls with a wrong date and time are not reported in the Hotel web interface, even if they are displayed in Call Analytics home page. Please double check the time zone setting on the Control Hub.

  • In the tariff, make sure emergency calls have no cost.

  • PMS protocols do not include currency information. Make sure you create a tariff with costs calculated in the currency of the country where the hotel is located.

  • PMS protocols do not support masking digits in the called number. This feature might be provided by the PMS on the guest folio. In the UCX Suite room configuration, always set "Number of masked digits in billing" to 0.

  • PMS protocols do not support timezone information. Call start time always refer to the Hotel timezone. Make sure the UCX Suite server timezone is the same as the Hotel timezone.

When testing the call costs posting hotel feature, please keep in mind:

  • Any cost lesser than 0.01 is not posted to the PMS.

  • Costs are sent to the PMS almost in real time, that is, within 3 minutes from the moment the call is terminated.

  • Call details other than the call cost, such as the called number and the call duration, are sent to the PMS only if the connection protocol (FIAS, UHLL...) supports it.

Proceed to Hotel Link configuration only when you can see Outgoing Answered calls with a cost displayed in Call Analytics home page.

Provided you have already configured the PBX for Call Analytics, Webex Control Hub configuration for Hotel requires a SIP trunk and multiple routes.

The SIP trunk is need by the wakeup service to call the room phones, using a single route. The same SIP trunk is used to reach the Housekeeping IVR for the room status. In this case, multiple routes should be configured, to handle multiple Housekeeping languages.

WxC configuration for Hotel Link is described in this dedicated KB article.

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