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UCX Suite IPv6 Support

Starting from 2022.Spring.1 release, you can configure Imagicle UC Suite with an IPv6 address, with the option of seamlessly support both IPv4 and IPv6 (dual stack).

Configuration steps

  1. Enable and configure IPv6 (and optionally IPv4) address on the UC Suite network interface

  2. Database: 

    • if the UC Suite points to a remote database, this must be configured with IPv6 using the Imagicle Database Configuration Tool 

    • if the database is local, no modification is needed

  3. Stop UC Suite services from relevant "Services" control panel

  4. If Imagicle UC Suite is interfaced to a Cisco UCM calling platform:

    • Configure the Cisco TSP Notifier by adding CTI Manager configuration to point to a CCM using IPv6 address. See here.

    • Start IIS (World Wide Web Publishing Service)

  5. Configure the UC Suite PBX configuration using its IPv6 address. See here.

  6. Call Analytics: follow the steps described here and here.

  7. Cluster creation: read here and here. Remember you can't mix nodes within same cluster, using different IP version.

  8. Restart UCX Suite services

Attendant Console

Attendant Console must point to UCX Suite through IPv6 address. See here.

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