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Installation Task List

Article ID: 7
Last updated: 19 Oct, 2016

The Application Suite can be properly set up by these simple tasks:

  • Download and install the latest Application Suite package. The installation program will take care of the Operating System setup and of the software prerequisites
  • Run Windows Update, then disable it
  • Install the TAPI TSP or CTI driver
  • Configure your company email server

These operations can take from one to four hours.

Installation should be performed by personnel skilled in both system administration and telephony system configuration, after reading the appropriate release notes and updated technical documentation.

Persons to involve in the installation process

To finalize the configuration, you may need to involve other people who are in charge of the customer's telephony and IT infrastructure:

  • IT Department: Changing Domain Controller security policies, editing AD users, creating dedicated email accounts
  • Network / Voice Department: Configuring the PBX, changing network firewall settings
  • Security Department: Configuring antivirus
Article ID: 7
Last updated: 19 Oct, 2016
Revision: 1
Views: 7855
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