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Welcome to the Imagicle UCX Suite KB

What is UCX Suite?

The Imagicle UCX Suite provides the most complete set of applications for different Calling Platforms within one platform, simplifying deployment, administration, and use. 

Easy to use, beautiful, advanced, and affordable, it has everything you need to empower your customer service, record, control and analyze your calls, virtualize your fax service, grant different access and profile your corporate directories while integrating your company CRM, DB and more.

 It is built for your team. All users can have an exceptional, unified, easy experience, from their desktop and mobile devices, inside their browsers and IM clients. Moreover, with Imagicle APIs, you can integrate your Imagicle apps into your business processes, ERP, CRM, or Provisioning tools, to get full business outcomes with the same "Imagicle" experience.

Imagicle UCX Suite is available in two different ways:

  • On the Imagicle Cloud as a private instance. The service offers the same familiar Imagicle features and user experience providing the ideal migration path to the cloud for all customers.

  • On Premises, deployed by thousands of happy customers worldwide, who can anyhow connect to the Imagicle Cloud to take advantage of exclusive services such as Proactive Support and upcoming AI/ML services.

When deployed at customer’s premises, the Imagicle UCX On-Prem Suite grants native integration with several UC platforms.

Many or even all the applications can run in the same server to serve thousands of users, while clustering on multiples nodes allows to scale up to serve tens of thousands of users.

Leveraging a single deployment, a single VM, a single integration against your Calling platform and a single point of contact for support, the Imagicle UCX On-Prem Suite is extremely valuable where resources are critical and streamlined deployments are required by customers.


Even if deployed at the customer’s premises, the Imagicle UCX On-Prem Suite is cloud connected through a secure data channel to the Imagicle Cloud, granting additional innovative services, like centralized cloud licensing, proactive support and more.

Customers can move to the Cloud at their own pace while leveraging new amazing Imagicle services.

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