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Forcing the deletion of oldest data leveraging the retention mechanism

Article ID: 817
Last updated: 15 Jul, 2022
Applies from Application Suite 2019.1.1


This article describes how to force the execution of the retention mechanism, deleting the oldest Call Analytics data without waiting the default schedule (01:15 AM).


1) Ensure the retention period is set to the desired value.

2) To force the deletion of oldest data from DB:

  • Stop the Miner process
  • Edit the file Blues2000.ini (located in StonevoiceAS\Apps\BillyBlues\Engine) and clean the value assigned to the parameter LastMinerRetentionExec
  • Save the file and start the Miner process.

3) To force the deletion of oldest older raw CDR files from disk:

  • Stop the Recorder process 
  • Edit the file BluesRec.ini (located in StonevoiceAS\Apps\BillyBlues\Engine\BluesRecPro) and clean the value assigned to the parameter LastMinerRetentionExec.
  • Save the file and start the Recorder process.


If you are coping with a full (saturated) DB, the above procedure may not work if the remaining space is very low. If not working, you need to delete oldest data using the deletion SQL script described in this article.

Article ID: 817
Last updated: 15 Jul, 2022
Revision: 6
Views: 428
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