Knowlege base

Serial Connection not found in Application Suite XPL

Article ID: 656
Last updated: 15 Feb, 2019

Applies to


Serial Connection not found in Application Suite XPL


Flag to enable Serial Connection not working correctly


  1. Open Windows Registry Editor (Start -> Run -> regedit)
  2. Go to  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\telcen\OEM

  3. Rename Name field in ;Name

  4. Download Brec2000.ex_ in attach and save it in <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\BillyBlues\Engine
  5. Run Imagicle Configure Blue's Enterprise 4 and select Serial Connection to complete the wizard
  6. Revert ;Name in Name in the Windows registry (Previous point 3)

Article ID: 656
Last updated: 15 Feb, 2019
Revision: 3
Views: 140
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