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Stop Recording

Article ID: 534
Last updated: 11 Jan, 2022

Stop recording a call

By recording id

Stop recording the call identified by the id returned when the recording was started.

Resource URL

DELETE fw/Apps/Recorder/WebAPI/LiveRecordings/{id}

Resource Information

  • Request Content-Type: -
  • Response Content-Type: -
  • Requires authentication: Yes
  • Minimum authorization level: Call Recording lv.10

URL Parameters

Name Type Required Description Default Example
id GUID required The id of the recording null 75A90276-E47E-4e9e-B463-E3C743D5FF3A

Request body



204 No Content

The recording has been stopped.

Error response

400 Bad Request

The request contains some errors

Response body
Name Type Description
reason BadRequestReason The reason why the request has been rejected
deviceName string The name of the device that cannot be monitored through TAPI. Present only if reason=1.
Value Descritpion
0 Id is not a valid GUID
1 Id identifies a recording on a line that isn't monitorable through TAPI
2 Device configured for Automatic call recording

401 Unauthorized

No authentication provided or wrong user credentials

403 Forbidden

The authenticated user has no sufficient privileges to stop a recording

409 Conflict

Id doesn't identify a live recording

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred while processing the request

504 Gateway Timeout

Imagicle Call Recording service is unavailable


Successful request

In this example we stop the recording having id "75A90276-E47E-4e9e-B463-E3C743D5FF3A":

DELETE fw/Apps/Recorder/WebAPI/LiveRecordings/75A90276-E47E-4e9e-B463-E3C743D5FF3A

The response status is 204 No Content, and the recording having the given id has been stopped.

Request failure

In this example we try to stop the recording having id "75A90276-E47E-4e9e-B463-E3C743D5FF3A", but the given id doesn't identify a live recording:

DELETE fw/Apps/Recorder/WebAPI/LiveRecordings/75A90276-E47E-4e9e-B463-E3C743D5FF3A

The response status is 409 Conflict.

By device name and directory number

Stop a recording on the line identified by the device name and/or the directory number.

Resource URL

DELETE fw/Apps/Recorder/WebAPI/LiveRecordings?deviceName={deviceName}&directoryNumber={directoryNumber}

Resource Information

  • Request Content-Type: -
  • Response Content-Type: -
  • Requires authentication: Yes
  • Minimum authorization level: Call Recording lv.10

URL Parameters

Name Type Required Description Default Example
deviceName string Yes, if directoryNumber is not specified

The device having the recording you want to stop. If directoryNumber is specified too, the recording on the device will be stopped only if it belongs to the given line.

If the recording you want to stop is a manually started dial-in, don't specify this parameter. Specify just the directoryNumber or use the version of the function with the recording ID instead.

null "SEP123456789ABC"
directoryNumber string Yes, if deviceName is not specified The line having the recording you want to stop. If deviceName is specified too, the recording on the line will be stopped only if it belongs to the given device null "101"

Request body



204 No Content

The recording has been stopped.

Error response

400 Bad Request

The request contains some errors

Response body
Name Type Description
reason BadRequestReason The reason why the request has been rejected
deviceName string The name of the device that cannot be monitored through TAPI. Present only if reason=1.
Value Descritpion
0 No device name nor directory number specified
1 The line identified by given device name and/or directory number has a live recording, but is not monitorable through TAPI
2 Device configured for Automatic call recording

401 Unauthorized

No authentication provided or wrong user credentials

403 Forbidden

The authenticated user has no sufficient privileges to stop a recording

409 Conflict

  • There is not a call being recorded on the given device name and/or directory number
  • There is a call being recorded, but it is a manually started dial-in and the stop has been invoked providing the device name

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred while processing the request

504 Gateway Timeout

Imagicle Call Recording service is unavailable


Successful request

In this example we stop the recording on device "SEP123456789ABC":

DELETE fw/Apps/Recorder/WebAPI/LiveRecordings?deviceName=SEP123456789ABC

The response status is 204 No Content, and the recording on the given device has been stopped.

Request failure

In this example we try to stop recording a connected call on the device "SEP123456789ABC" for the directory number "101", but the call is not being recorded:

DELETE fw/Apps/Recorder/WebAPI/LiveRecordings?deviceName=SEP123456789ABC&directoryNumber=101

The response status is 409 Conflict.

Article ID: 534
Last updated: 11 Jan, 2022
Revision: 45
Views: 647
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