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Change the path where the encrypted audio tracks of the recorded calls are stored

Article ID: 584
Last updated: 19 Mar, 2024


Change the path where the encrypted audio tracks of the recorded calls are stored from the default folder <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\Recorder\Records\

*RecordingPath: It defines the root for the recordings, while all the audio tracks are saved in a structured way (<YEAR>\<MONTH>\<DAY>).

Example of the full file name:  C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\Recorder\Records\2018\03\19\Record_2018000000009_20180319164344_name_1234_Recorder.encrypted

Standalone server environment

Warning: we strongly suggest to do this procedure in a dedicated maintenance window


1. Take a UC Suite backup (

2. Open the windows service panel (services.msc) and STOP following service

- Imagicle Call Recording

3. Open the configuration file <StonevoiceAS>\App\Recorder\Settings\Recoder.ini and set the parameter RecordingPath*  with the new path


4. Save the file

5. Move all recordings to the new path to get them available

6. Open the windows service panel (services.msc) and START following service

- Imagicle Call Recording

Imagicle High Availability environment

Warning: we strongly suggest to do this procedure in a dedicated maintenance window


1. Take a UC Suite complete backup (

2. On the primary server, open the windows service panel (services.msc) and STOP following services on the other nodes of the cluster

- Imagicle Replication Service
- Imagicle Call Recording

3. Open the configuration file <StonevoiceAS>\App\Recorder\Settings\Recoder.ini and set the parameter RecordingPath*  with the new path


4. Save the file

5. Open the configuration file: 
and set the following parameter with the new local path. Pay attention to use a subfolder of a local unit and write the path without the ending backslash:

<preference key="CallRecordingRecs.folder_path" value="C:\NEWPATH" />

6. Save the file

7. Repeat the steps 2 and 5-6 on the other nodes of the cluster

8. Move all recording files to the new path on all nodes of the cluster

9. Open the windows service panel (services.msc) and START following services on all nodes of the cluster

- Imagicle Replication Service
- Imagicle Call Recording

Article ID: 584
Last updated: 19 Mar, 2024
Revision: 19
Views: 2221
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