Knowlege base
FAQ and Solutions
document How to delete SQL Server whole or partial historical call archive and re-import it from existing "Storico" file
Applies to: Imagicle Call Analytics Standard/Enterprise Description: How to remove calls from SQL Server database and reimport them from "Storico" text file Solution: UC Suite starting from 2021.3.1 1. Stop Blue's Service Host in Billing|Administrative pages|Service Manager 2. open...
rating 30 Apr, 2021 Views: 1260
document Billing Interactive Reports message error - System.Web.HttpUnhandledException was thrown - Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Applies to: Application Suite 2019.1.1 Description: Billy Blue's/Blue's Enterprise Interactive Reports execution fail if the session has been inactive for at least 3 minutes. The Interactive Reports shown the Message: Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpException' was thrown. Exception of...
rating 13 Mar, 2019 Views: 1296
document How to change date format from DD/MM/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY in Billy Blue's products
Applies to: Billy Blue's 4 - All versions Blue's Enterprise 4 - All versions Blue's Enterprise for Skype for Business - All versions Description: How to change the date format to MM/DD/YYYY in Billy Blue's products: home page, dashboard and reports. How-to: Connect to Imagicle server ...
rating 07 Aug, 2019 Views: 407
document How to show Billy Blues users as First Name and Last Name
Applies to: Billy Blue's 4 - versions later than 2013.3.3 Blue's Enterprise 4 - versions later than 2013.3.3 Blue's Enterprise for Skype for Business - versions later than 2013.3.3 Description: How to display the user name in the order First name, Last name in Billy Blue's reports and...
rating 11 Mar, 2021 Views: 596
document Show calls currency using 3 English letters
Applies to: Billy Blue's 4 Blue's Enterprise 4 Blue's Enterprise for Skype for Business Description: Change the currency from currency name to 3 letters shortcut or use English chars How-to: On Imagicle server edit the following file using Notepad or any other text editor:...
rating 10 Oct, 2017 Views: 480
document How to increase the warning value reported in the monitoring tool for MaxMemory consumed by the billing system
Applies to: Any Application Suite Description: By default the MAM (Application suite monitoring service) is set to send a warning when the bminer.exe process (used in the billing system) exceeds the memory usage of 200MB. How-to: To increase this warning value and set it to -for example- to...
rating 15 Mar, 2018 Views: 399
document Node in standby, the scheduler service is disabled on this machine
Applies to Application Suite 2015.6.5 and later Description Node in standby, the scheduler service is disabled on this machine. Please connect to the primary machine 'WINxx' to add/edit scheduled reports or alarms. Condition: The server is not a secondary node of a cluster system. Cause The...
rating 31 Jan, 2019 Views: 393
document How to reimport discard call at global level, for all PBXs and Gateways
Applies to: Call Analytics - minimum version 2017.Winter.1 Description: This is an alternative to Call Analytics web portal's administrative option "Reprocess discarded calls", which allows to globally reprocess all discaded calls, for all configured PBXs and gateways. It is very useful in...
rating 01 Jun, 2021 Views: 450
document Forcing the deletion of oldest data leveraging the retention mechanism
Description: This article describes how to force the execution of the retention mechanism, deleting the oldest Call Analytics data without waiting the default schedule (01:15 AM). How-to: 1) Ensure the retention period is set to the desired value. 2) To force the deletion of oldest data...
rating 15 Jul, 2022 Views: 316