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Usage: Web interface

Article ID: 96
Last updated: 10 Jan, 2017

Product Usage

Login/Logout to queues

In order to login/logout to the queues the agents can use one of the available user interfaces:

  • The web interface, as described below
  • The phone, calling the automatic responder at the login/logout phone number (see Phone usage )
  • The Blues' Attendant Console (requires a separate license).

The web interface for login/logout is accessible from the left side menu of the application suite ("Login/Logout" menu item).
This page is accessible both to agents and administrators and allows to display the current status (login/logout) of agents and to change it.

  • Administrators and Supervisors can see the list of all configured agents and the queues they are working in, in a treeview representation. In the first level of the treeview are the agents, in the second level there are the queues the agents are working for
  • Agents have a restricted view of the same treeview: they can see only their status in the queues they are working in. They cannot see other agents status

Agents are shown by an icon that can turn:

  • Gray: the agent is logged out from all queues he is working in
  • Green: when the agent is logged in all queues he is working in
  • Yellow: when the agent is logged in at least one queue he is working in, but not in all of them
  • Red: the agent is in pause/wrap-up time

The second level (queues) shows by a LED icon which queues the agent is logged in (green) and which queues the agent is logged out (red). To change the login/logout status of an agent on all queues he is working in, right click the agent name.

To change the login/logout status of an agent on a single queue, right click the queue name.

To show the agents grouped by queue, select "Queues/Agents" in the drop down list, at the top-right of the page.

Note: in this treeview representation only agents are displayed. The simple destinations targets are not listed here, since the do not have a login/logout status.

Note: after changing an agent status, you need to refresh the page contents in order to see the actual status. Please notice that the agents login/logout status can be changed by other user interfaces (phone and attendant console), so it is recommended to refresh the page contents to be sure to view the actual status of the agents.

Article ID: 96
Last updated: 10 Jan, 2017
Revision: 2
Views: 1701
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