Knowlege base
FAQ and Solutions
document How to periodically offer Voice Mail call transfer during queue waiting
This article details how to configure Imagicle Advanced Queuing to offer caller party the possibility to leave a message in a voice mailbox, instead of waiting a long time to be served by an operator. Imagicle provides a simple script, attached to this KB, to enable VoiceMail transfer feature....
rating 26 Aug, 2021 Views: 241
document Enable detailed VoIP debug (SIP trace) for QME
Applies to: Imagicle Application Suite - Queue Manager Enterprise Solution: To enable low level SIP tracing for Queue Manager Enterprise, follow these steps: Edit (with notepad) text file: <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\QME\Settings\QME.Opal.config.xml Add the following line ...
rating 16 Jan, 2017 Views: 706
document QME Call List report, assign a call to the original called number instead of to the number that has answered
Applies to: Queue Manager Enterprise - minimum version 2020.Winter.1 Description: It is added again the possibility to associate a call to the original destination, instead of assign it to the extension that has answered. Consider for example the case of the destination number is forwarded...
rating 21 Nov, 2019 Views: 268
document FAQ
Configurations Q: Can an agent serve multiple queues? A: Yes, this is one of the supported and commonly used configurations. Q: Can two different agents have the same extension number? A: NO, QME cannot distinguish them and it cannot place indipendent consultation calls to each of them....
rating 27 Sep, 2020 Views: 316
document Advanced Queueing call transfer fails on Skype For Business environment after ugrade to 2021.Spring.1
Applies to UCSuite 2021.3.1 Description On Skype For Business installations, when the Advanced Queueing is transferring a call, the transfer systematically fails. Other operations like consultation calls and file playing could fail as well Cause Different behavior when Advanced Queueing is...
rating 30 Jun, 2021 Views: 106