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QME Call List report, assign a call to the original called number instead of to the number that has answered

Article ID: 719
Last updated: 21 Nov, 2019

Applies to:

  • Queue Manager Enterprise - minimum version 2020.Winter.1


It is added again the possibility to associate a call to the original destination, instead of assign it to the extension that has answered. Consider for example the case of the destination number is forwarded to another extension. Starting from 2018.Summer.1 release, the call was associated to the target of the forwarding. Now, it's possibile to change this behaviour and associate the call to the forwarded extension, that is the original called.


  • Access to Imagicle Server/VM using RDP session;
  • Go to <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\QME\Settings\ folder;
  • Open file QME.Engine.schema.xml, there is a new preference with the defvalue="Actual", that means the call is assigned to the extension that has actually answered to;

    <preference key="cdr.routetotargetnumber.value" defvalue="Actual" type="System.string" attributes="enum">

      <element value="Actual"  desc="real answering number"/>

      <element value="Expected"  desc="target called number"/>


  • Change the preference's defvalue to Expected, in this way the call will be associated to the original called number, regardless of whom has answered;
  • Expected value has to be define in the file <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\QME\Settings\ QME.Engine.config.xml, adding this preference:
    <preference key="cdr.routetotargetnumber.value" value="Expected"/>
  • if the the value is different from Expected, it will be use Actual and an error will be logged.
Article ID: 719
Last updated: 21 Nov, 2019
Revision: 1
Views: 313
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