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Product Description and Architecture

Article ID: 915
Last updated: 12 Aug, 2022

Imagicle Manager Assistant (IMA) is a solution that improves call management and cooperation between Managers (directors) and Assistants (secretaries) to manage lists of contacts who can directly reach the Manager, simplifying the call management delegation in a simple, agile and scalable way.

Features for Managers

  • Enable/disable the call filter
  • Set own availability status to get calls from assistants
  • Handle the personal whitelist of contacts bypassing the filter
  • Forward to voicemail/external number
  • Manage a pool of assistants and select the active one(s)
  • Interface integrated in Jabber/Webex Desktop clients

Features for Assistants

  • Monitor the availability status of a manager to receive calls
  • Full control of the manager calls management:
    • Enable/disable the filter
    • Call Forward
    • Whitelist configuration
  • Self-management of availability
  • Interface integrated in Jabber/Webex Desktop clients

Features for Administrators

  • Dedicated web portal
  • Simplified communication with CUCM, based on SIP trunks (no proprietary protocols)
  • Simple configuration on CUCM

Call Filtering

Each manager can autonomously select:

  • Call filter status (enabled/disabled)
  • an availability status, to inform own assistants about the possibility to receive calls from them.

Moreover, the manager can handle in a flexible way how the calls are forwarded, based on contacts in whitelists. Upon incoming call, the Assistant can forward the call to Manager’s desk phone, softphone, mobile phone, voicemail or an alternative number in a simple manner, according to Manager’s choice.


Imagicle Manager Assistant offers a whitelist feature, where relevant contacts can directly reach the Manager, without Assistant filtering, depending on Manager’s real-time phone status.

IMA Architecture

Imagicle Manager Assistant requires a dedicated actual or virtual Linux Ubuntu instance. It communicates with Cisco UCM through a SIP trunk, used to monitor managers and assistants phone devices. The service acts as a B2B SIP application, thus no RTP audio streams are terminated on IMA. This allows to optimize the call flows, consumed bandwidth and the overall resources usage, scaling to an higher number of subscribers.

IMA Call Flow

If a call reaches a manager extension monitored by IMA, the application invokes the following call flow, including three possible call outcomes:

  • Call is transferred to the Manager
  • Call is transferred to one Assistant
  • Call is forwarded to a phone number or to a Voice Mail

Article ID: 915
Last updated: 12 Aug, 2022
Revision: 2
Views: 149
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