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Enable Imagicle Hotel and Blues Recorder logs

Article ID: 407
Last updated: 10 Jan, 2017

Applies to: 

Imagicle Hotel


Procedure to enable log, reproduce the issue and send Binfo to Support


Enable logs in Imagicle Hotel and Recorder

1. Open installation folder <ImagicleHotel> (Usually like: C:Program Files (x86)ImagicleHotel )

2. Open file "Blues2000.ini" 

3. Set parameter:  AbilitaLog=1

(If missing add this parameter)

4. Save and close this file

5. Open folder   <ImagicleHotel>BluesrecPro

6. Open the file "Bluesrec.ini"

7. Set parameter:  LogAbilitato=1

8. Save and close this file

9. Close and open Recorder and Imagicle Hotel


Recreate the issue and then take the logs following this procedure

1. Close the  Blues Recorder, Miner, Imagicle Hotel and Blues Service Host from the windows services panel

- Click to Start > Run 

- Enter the command: services.msc

- Stop Blue's Service Host (right click -> stop)

2. Click on: Start -> Programs ->Imagicle Hotel -> advanced tool -> Blue's info

3. Click on [ Next > ] and wait the end of the process.

4. Click on [ Save... ] and save the file on the desktop.

5. Reply at this email enclosing the file saved at the step 4.

6. Restart Blues Recorder, Miner, Imagicle Hotel from windows programs menu and Blues Service Host from the windows services panel

- Click to Start > Run 

- Enter the command: services.msc

- Start Blue's Service Host (right click -> stop)


Disable Imagicle Hotel and Recorder logs:

1. Open folder < ImagicleHotel > ( C:Program Files (x86)ImagicleHotel )

2. Open the file "Blues2000.ini"

3. Set the parameter: AbilitaLog=0

4. Save and close the file
5. Open folder   < ImagicleHotel >BluesrecPro

6. Open the file "Bluesrec.ini"

7. Set the parameter: LogAbilitato=0

8. Save and close the file

9. Close and open Recorder and Imagicle Hotel

Article ID: 407
Last updated: 10 Jan, 2017
Revision: 3
Views: 152
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