Knowlege base

How to have the privacy settings affect older calls

Article ID: 348
Last updated: 17 Feb, 2017

Applies to: 

Blue's Professional


By default privacy setting (hidden numbers) apply only to new calls; if you want this to be retroactive please follow this


1. Close Blue's Miner

2. make a backup copy of the database (default database is <BluesProfessional>Blues2000.mdb
3. run Blue's Professional
4. click Company Data (top center)>Company Data (left menu)>Tables and Filters>filters

5. click 'new filter' (on the bottom) and enter any name (ie. Privacy)
6. select 'advanced' filter

7. in the SQL command page (white page on the right) paste this line 

update chiamate set sgiorno_c ='' 
IMPORTANT NOTICE: '' is two single apostrophies and not double quote mark

8. click OK and click yes

IMPORTANT NOTICE: as the operation cannot reversed, make sure you have backed up your database prior to running the query.
9. At the end of the operation, restart Miner

Notice: if the database is very large or the PC is not performing, the operation might take several minutes or hours to be performed. Do not interrupt the operation.

10. After having used run query, click tools>reassociate (or recalculate) .. select the period you wish to recalculate, click select all and click OK

11. at the end of recalculation, verify if the privacy settings are correctly associated to older calls.

Article ID: 348
Last updated: 17 Feb, 2017
Revision: 4
Views: 186
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