Knowlege base

IVR Manager and ISE authentication

Article ID: 662
Last updated: 14 Mar, 2019
Applies from Application Suite 201x (any version)
to version Application Suite 201x (any version)

Applies to

All Version


"Send Configuration" in IVR Manager does not work and returns the error:
Error occured when trying to send configuration to Cisco voicegateway

Log file shows:

StepsCount: 1
StepCurrent: 1
08:09:47	Starting new log.
08:09:47	       	Thread Id: 48124
08:09:47	00,0000	Trying to reach from
08:09:47	00,0000	Opening connection from to
08:09:47	00,0000	Connection type: Telnet
08:09:47	00,0000	Connection successful
08:09:47	00,0781	Sending authentication information
08:09:47	00,0000	Waiting for router prompt...
08:09:48	00,9980	Sending username...
08:09:48	00,0000	Sending command: 'stonevoice'
08:09:48	00,0000	Pausing for 200 ms..
08:09:54	05,4609	-2147214328	!Command error		0
08:09:54	00,0000	Disconnecting (quit)...
08:09:54	00,0000	Pausing for 200 ms..
08:09:54	00,4355	Pausing for 200 ms..
08:09:55	00,4375	Pausing for 200 ms..
08:09:55	00,4375	Pausing for 200 ms..
08:09:55	00,2168	Connection has been shut down


The problem is caused by an unexpected username and password prompt.


Ensure that the prompt configured in ISE ends with a space, example:

Not "Username:" but "Username: " with ending space
Not "Password:" but "Password: " with ending space

Article ID: 662
Last updated: 14 Mar, 2019
Revision: 3
Views: 162
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