Knowlege base

How to lock/unlock phones using the CUCM end-user PIN

Article ID: 882
Last updated: 03 Feb, 2022
Applies from Application Suite 2018.6.1

Applies to:

UC Suite Summer 2018 and higher versions.


This article describes how to configure the suite to validate the user PIN on CUCM in place of the internal database.

Please, be aware that this applies to the following services:

  • Phone Lock: IP phone service
  • Voice mail: voice mailbox IVR (requires additional configurations).


1) Edit or create this file: StonevoiceAS\Apps\FW\Settings\FW.Profile.Api.Config.xml
adding the following line:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<configuration version="">
  <preference key="Authentication.PinAuthPriority" value="CcmIas" />

2) If you are using also voicemail, restart the voice mail service to apply the change.

3) Ensure that:

  • users that need to authenticate their PIN against CUCM have the PBX username field properly set in the UC suite users list.
  • The CUCM IP addresses (primary and backup) are properly set in the Main > System Parameters > IP Telephony system parameters  section.

4) Try to lock/unlock a phone using the same PIN of CUCM.

Article ID: 882
Last updated: 03 Feb, 2022
Revision: 3
Views: 769
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