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document How to Remove Spurious prefix in Subject field
Applies to: Imagicle UC Suite ver. 2022.Winter.1 and above Description: Remove spurious prefix from Subject field, while using Digital Fax email-to-fax feature. How-to: Please access Imagicle UC Suite file system through a RDP session. Locate the following file: C:\Program Files...
rating 17 Jan, 2022 Views: 171
document How to change MS-Office 365 Service URL to support regional and govt. services
Applies to: Imagicle UC Suite or UC Cloud Suite ver. 2022.Summer.1 and above Description: Some regional entities and US Govt. Defence are using Office 365 email services different than standard worldwide "" service. This KB describes how to change from standard O365 domain to a...
rating 28 Jul, 2022 Views: 150
document How to tweak SIP Invite SDP header to negotiate Echo Cancellation and Silence Suppression
Applies to: Imagicle Digital Fax rel. 2023.Spring.1 and above Description: How to improve G.711 pass-through FoIP negotiation, to grant more interoperability How-to: If the remote fax recipient (or the FoIP network) can’t negotiate T.38, Digital Fax falls-back to G.711, with a default...
rating 22 Mar, 2024 Views: 133

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