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How to bind the Digital Fax service to a specific IP and/or port

Article ID: 843
Last updated: 20 Apr, 2021
to version Application Suite 201x (any version)


This article describes how to configure the Digital Fax service to use a specific IP and/or port for network communications. This is useful when you need:

  • to bind the fax server to a specific IP address in case of multihomed servers, that is, having multiple IP addresses;
  • to make the fax server listening on a port different from the default one (SIP 5060).


Since the binding settings are node-speciifc parameters and since the Stonefax.ini file is replicated as-is across an Imagicle cluster, node-specific sections must be defined in the Stonefax.ini file:

1) Retrieve the Node ID of the node from the support page. 

2) Edit the file StonevoiceAS\Apps\Stonefax\Server\System\Stonefax.ini and add the following section and parameters:

[Node:<Node Id>]
ListenInterface=<IP address>
ListenPort=<Port number H.323>   <<<< For H.323 configurations only 
ListenPortSIP=<Port number SIP>  <<<< For SIP configurations only

3) Save the file and restart the Digital fax service on the specified node

4) In case of cluster configurations wait the Stonefax.ini changes are replicated across the cluster and repeat the same procedure for all the nodes.


Single node with multiple IP addresses, set a specific IP address:


Single node, change only SIP port:


Single node, change only H.323 port:


Cluster - set a specific IP address on each node:



Cluster - set a specific IP address and SIP port on each node:



Article ID: 843
Last updated: 20 Apr, 2021
Revision: 5
Views: 414
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