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SSO against Microsoft Entra ID (MS-Azure Active Directory)

Article ID: 884
Last updated: 14 Jan, 2025

This article describes how to configure your Microsoft Entra ID (Microsoft Azure Active Directory) to enable Imagicle users to login to web portal, gadgets and Attendant Console with Single Sign-on using the Azure credentials.

Instructions are provided for both SAML and OpenID Connect SSO protocols.


In order to successfully configure your Azure AD, you should have the following data:

  • User Pool ID (SAML only)
  • Redirect URI

More details are available here.

Procedure for SAML-based SSO

  1. Login to Azure web portal as Administrator
  2. Select Azure Active Directory

  1. Select “Enterprise Applications” from the left menu panel
  2. Click on “New Application” on the top command bar

  1. Click on “Create your own application
  2. Insert a name and select the option “Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery)

  1. Hit "Create" and wait for the app creation
  2. Once the app creation is accomplished, you are redirected to the app properties
  3. Select “Single Sign-on” from the left menu panel

  1. Select “SAML” sign-on method
  2. Within “Basic SAML configuration” section, click “Edit” link

  1. In Identifier (Entity ID) field, please enter the User Pool ID
  2. In Reply URL field, please enter the Redirect URI
  3. In "User Attribute & Claims" section, please set the "Emailaddress" attribute to user.mail

  1. Hit Save. See below sample:

  1. From “SAML Signing Certificate” section, please download “Federation Metadata XML”:

  1. Send the file to Imagicle Team to complete the SSO federation.

Enable users and groups to Single Sign-on authentication to Imagicle Apps

  1. Open the Enterprise application above created in step #5
  2. Select "Users and Groups” on the left menu panel
  3. Click on “Add user/group“ item on the top command bar
  4. Select all the users or groups you want to grant the access through SSO

Procedure for OpenID-based SSO

  1. Login to Azure web portal as Administrator
  2. Select Azure Active Directory

  1. Select App registrations item in the left menu panel
  2. Click on New registration button

  1. Fill the mask field as following screenshot (Redirect URI provided by Imagicle) and click on Register button:

  1. After app registration is accomplished, please take note of Client ID and Tenant ID values.

  1. Now click on "Certificates and secrets" and then on "Client secrets"

  1. Create a new client secret with a description and set an expiration (at the expiration, this procedure must be done again, so put an expiration as long as possible)

  1. After the creation, copy and save the Client Secret Value, highlighted in the below screenshot sample. This must be saved immediately, otherwise, it can't be recovered later and the secret would need to be created from scratch.

  1. Send to Imagicle Team the following data:
    • Client ID: previously noted in step #6
    • Client Secret Value: previously noted in step #8
    • Issuer URL:<app-tenant-id>/v2.0  (Tenant ID noted on step #6)
Article ID: 884
Last updated: 14 Jan, 2025
Revision: 12
Views: 2421
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