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No calls or no recent calls displayed on Billy Blue's statistics - Basic troubleshooting

Article ID: 622
Last updated: 02 Jan, 2024

Applies to:



When running any statistic, Billy Blue's returns 'No results matching your search were found.',
doesn't show recent calls or doesn't show calls at all.



- Open IAS web page -> Admin -> users management 

- Make sure you have added all the users of your company.

- Make sure those users all have 'first extension number' with the etxension number.

- Make sure those users all have 'enable billing for first extension' ticked.

- If those users have the partition field filled in, run Billy Blue's guided configuration and load the proper driver (with partition) or vice-versa, if users don't have partition, make sure you have loaded the driver without partition.


- Make sure <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\BillyBlues\Engine\CCM5CDR\ shows recent files. 

- If it does not, please troubleshoot your Cisco system so that it publishes recent cdr's 

- Restart "CDR Agent" & "CDR Repository manager" services on CuCM 

> from  Cisco Unified Serviceability -> Tools -> Control Center - Network Services -> section 'CDR Services'

> and restart these services: 
   - Cisco CDR Repository Manager
   - Cisco CDR Agent


- Open the Billing page > Administrative Pages > Service Manager

- Stop Blue's Service Host 

- Start Miner and Recorder manually by running these applications as administrator (right-click on the applications and choose 'Run as Administrator') :

- Check if the Recorder import the new CDRs
and the Miner import the new calls.

- Monitor any error. If any error, please send us a screenshot in response to this email.

- Close the Recorder and Miner.

- Open the Billing page > Administrative Pages > Service Manager

- Start Blue's Service Host again


- Run Billy Blue's guided configuration and make sure all VoiceGateway IP addresses are defined

Please double check also our online documentation:

Article ID: 622
Last updated: 02 Jan, 2024
Revision: 3
Views: 3910
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