Knowlege base

How to change Exit button behaviour on Advanced Directory's Cisco Phone Service

Article ID: 786
Last updated: 02 Oct, 2020
Applies from Application Suite 2020.1.2

Applies to:

  • Imagicle ApplicationSuite rel. 2020.Winter.2 and above
  • Advanced Directory Cisco XML Phone service


  • Advanced Directory XML Service includes a "Back" button to go back one level in menu tree. This KB describes how to enable or disable the "Exit" button to escape Advanced Directory phone service.


Standard Advanced Directory phone service URL is described here. This URL shows an "Exit" button which allows to escape the application while called from directories (most frequent case).

By changing standard URL, it is possible to apply two different behaviours:

  1. URL: http://<IAS_IP>/fw/Apps/Speedy/xml/directories/default.aspx?exit=inits&name=#DEVICENAME#
  • With above URL, when you hit "Exit", you completely escape from Advanced Directory phone service
  1. URL: http://<IAS_IP>/fw/Apps/Speedy/xml/directories/default.aspx?exit=none&name=#DEVICENAME#
  • With above URL, "Exit" button is hidden and you need to hit "Back" button multiple times to exit phone service. This is the recommended URL for Cisco 88xx IP Phones.

In both URL samples, please replace <IAS_IP> with proper Imagicle server's IP address.

Article ID: 786
Last updated: 02 Oct, 2020
Revision: 1
Views: 137
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