Knowlege base

Attendant Console Automatic pause for PC Lock/Sleep

Article ID: 647
Last updated: 28 Jan, 2019
to version Application Suite 201x (any version)

Applies to

Blue's Attendant Winter 2019 or newer


Agents can now automatically set themselves in pause in ACD queues when moving away from their workstation by locking the Windows session or  when PC enters in standby status. This helps avoiding missing calls and optimizes overall call waiting management. This is controlled by the Agents tab, in Blue's Attendand Client options on Agents' PC


This features is available only for agents on Windows platform, and not on Mac.

In the UserSettings.schema.xml settings file, new Boolean variables have been introduced:

  • AutoPauseOnWinSessionLock
  • AutoPauseOnPcSleep
  • AutoUnpauseOnWinSessionUnlock
  • AutoUnpauseOnPcWakeup

When investigating issues, it is recommended to search for the following keywords inside ApplicationLogFile.txt log file:

  • OnSessionsSwitch:  helpful to understand if the session has been clicked or unloaded (Debug);
  • OnPowerModeChanged: helpful to understand if  Windows Suspend / Resume has occurred (Debug);
  • Server connection changed: helpful to understand client-server connection status;
  • The Unpause request will be sent: application is disconnected and will send the unpause command as soon as it will be connected again (Info);
  • Unable to send PauseRequest: it has not been possible to send pause request to the server (Warning);
  • Request sent: The pause / unpause command has been properly sent (Debug).
Article ID: 647
Last updated: 28 Jan, 2019
Revision: 1
Views: 264
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