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How to change Blue's Attendant settings and logs recipient folder

Article ID: 691
Last updated: 09 Aug, 2019

Applies to:

Blue's Attendant and Blue's One PC (Windows) clients, starting from 2019.Winter.1 release


This article explains how to change Blue's Attendant recipient folder for settings and logs, from default "Documents" folder to any other folder of your choice.


From the Windows client PC, please open a command prompt CMD and launch Blue's Attendant full installation package with the following syntax:

"Imagicle Blue's CTI One-Attendant client {version} (build x).exe" /HOMEDIR=%APPDATA%

where %APPDATA% is the chosen settings/logs folder. See below an actual example:

"Imagicle Blue's CTI One-Attendant client Spring 2019 (build 2).exe" /HOMEDIR="c:\my dir\BAE_settings"

Don't forget to add quotes, if you are using a folder name including spaces.


Please don't perform this procedure while using the updater "light" package. If your Blue's Attendant client is already installed on your PC and you want to change HOMEDIR, you first need to uninstall the application and re-install it by using FULL installation package and above command syntax.


Open latest “Setup Log*.txt” file and search for “Custom HomeDir” string. You should find the following two sample lines:

2018-12-10 18:30:51.180   Custom HomeDir:D:\Test bae\another folder

2018-12-10 18:30:51.180   Custom HomeDir has been set to:D:\Test bae\another folder

Please check that installer.ini file has been created in your new folder: c:\{new homedir}\Imagicle Blue’s Attendant

This file should include the following lines:



Article ID: 691
Last updated: 09 Aug, 2019
Revision: 3
Views: 413
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