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How to authenticate LDAP users logging in the Imagicle Application Suite web interface using LDAP SSL protocol

Article ID: 594
Last updated: 07 May, 2018
Applies from Application Suite 2018.1.1

Applies to:

Imagicle Application Suite web interface


When a user that should be authenticated by an external LDAP server, connects to Imagicle web interface, by default its credentials are authenticated to LDAP through standard (389) ldap port; follow this procedure to use instead SSL protocol through 636 port


  1. Edit the FW.Profile.Api.config.xml file in <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\Fw\Settings\
  2. Add the following line between <configuration> tags:
    <preference key="Authentication.UseSecureLDAPConnection" value="true" />
  3. Save
Article ID: 594
Last updated: 07 May, 2018
Revision: 2
Views: 733
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