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Error "The platform specified using the command line (/PLATFORM=) is missing or invalid" installing 2019.Winter.1

Article ID: 651
Last updated: 29 Jan, 2019

Applies to 

ApplicationSuite 2019.Winter.1.


Running the setup fails with error message "The platform specified using the command line (/PLATFORM=) is missing or invalid"


The file name of the setup program used to install or upgrade ApplicationSuite is either:

  • Imagicle-StoneSuiteCCM-2019.1.1.exe
  • Imagicle-CrossPlatformSuite-2019.1.1.exe
  • Imagicle-LyncSuite-2019.1.1.exe

And those packages don't specify correctly which platform to install or upgrade.


Either download the installation package again or run the installation program by the following command lines.

To install or upgrade an ApplicationSuite for Cisco:

C:\>Imagicle-StoneSuiteCCM-2019.1.1.exe /PLATFORM=CCM

To install or upgrade an ApplicationSuite for Cross Platform:

C:\>Imagicle-CrossPlatformSuite-2019.1.1.exe /PLATFORM=XPL

To install or upgrade an ApplicationSuite for Skype For Business:

C:\>Imagicle-LyncSuite-2019.1.1.exe /PLATFORM=SFB

Article ID: 651
Last updated: 29 Jan, 2019
Revision: 5
Views: 290
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