Knowlege base

How to monitor UCX Suite Performance Counters

Article ID: 725
Last updated: 08 Nov, 2023

Applies to:

Cisco/Cross-Platform/Microsoft Teams UCX Suite, rel. 2020.Winter.1 and above


A number of performance counter has been added in Imagicle UCX Suite, to monitor applications usage for statistics and troubleshooting purposes.

These counters are transmitted back to Imagicle Cloud and they are used to evaluate overall system performances for those customers who subscribed an ImagicleCare GOLD/Platinum maintenance plan, including Proactive Support.


  • Please access to Imagicle server using RDP and launch Windows Performance Monitor
  • Click on "Performance Monitor" item, available in left pane
  • Click on green + icon and add one or more available UCX Suite counters, as per below table





UCX Suite

IAS:ECC - Curri

Last http HEAD request

Time elapsed (seconds) since last Cisco CallManager HEAD request

Curri Request Average execution time

Average response time

Curri Request Rate

Requests rate per second

Attendant Server

IAS:Attendant Server

Connected Clients Count: Total

Total connected clients count

Connected Clients Count: Backup

Backup mode connected clients count

Connected Clients Count: BAE

Attendant Console Enterprise connected clients count

Connected Clients Count: BAP

Attendant Console Professional connected clients count

Connected Clients Count: BOE

Operator Essentials connected clients count

Connected Clients Count: QME-Supervisor

Advanced Queuing Supervisor connected clients count

License tokens available: BAE

Attendant Console Enterprise available license tokens

License tokens available: BAP

Attendant Console Professional available license tokens

License tokens available: BOE

Operator Essentials available license tokens

Messages Sent/sec

Outgoing messages rate per second (server → clients)

Messages Received/sec

Incoming messages rate per second (clients → server)

Bytes Total/sec

Total bandwidth (bytes/second)

Bytes Sent/sec

Outgoing bandwidth (bytes/second)

Bytes Received/sec

Incoming bandwidth (bytes/second)

Budget Control

IAS:Budget Control

Budget Control Billy query time

Average Call Analytics queries duration

Budget Control Billy query per second

Call Analytics query rate per second

Budget Control phone state check time

Average phone status check time

Advanced Queuing


Active incoming calls

Active incoming calls count

Active outgoing calls

Active outgoing calls count

FIFO queued calls

Number of calls currently enqueued in any FIFO queue

Camp-On queued calls

Number of calls currently enqueued in any Camp-On queue

Auto Attendant


Active calls

Active calls count

Conversational channels Conversational channels count

Contact Manager


Speedy Lookup: Average Lookup Execution Time

Average contact lookup time (in ticks) 

Speedy Lookup: Lookup Execution Rate

Contact lookup rate per second

Digital Fax


Local engine submit duration


Document Rendering Time

Average document rendering time

WinFax submit time

Average submit time

Attachment broadcast duration (Tx)

Average attachment broadcast duration (Tx)

Attachment broadcast duration (Rx)

Average attachment broadcast duration (Rx)

Heartbeat Period

Transmitting channels

Transmitting channels count

Active outgoing faxes

Number of outgoing faxes in progress

Submitted Faxes

Number of outgoing faxes actually submitted to WinFax service and waiting for completition

Receiving channels

Number of receiving channels in use

Phone Lock


StoneLock Curri Request Average execution time

Average response time for CURRI requests

StoneLock Curri Request Rate

CURRI requests rate per second

Call Recording

IAS:Call Recording

Active calls

Active calls count

Article ID: 725
Last updated: 08 Nov, 2023
Revision: 2
Views: 382
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