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How to select which server have the ability to sync the users in a Imagicle cluster - HA

Article ID: 569
Last updated: 19 Feb, 2025
Applies from Application Suite 2016.6.1

Applies to:

Summer 2016 and later


In a Imagicle cluster, only one server can synchronize users from CUCM/AD/LDAP.
By default the first server where you enable the users synch is the elected one (normally it is the first server of a cluster).
Follow this procedure if you need to manage one of the following situations:

  • the main server is out of order and you want to configure the secondary server to continue syncing users;
  • none of the servers in the cluster looks enabled to synchronize users (this could happen if the NodeID of a server has been changed) 


IMPORTANT: Before proceeding with the following procedure, please ensure that the main node does not have the user's sync customization file (XXXXXXXXXXXX.script.xml.user) in the folder <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\Fw\Scripts. If the file is present, kindly make a copy of it on the other node of the cluster where you plan to activate the user's sync.

Please proceed as follow applying these modifications on BOTH servers (unless impossible on primary):

1. Stop the service "Imagicle Synchronizer" from the windows service console
2. Open the file <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\Fw\Settings\FW.Sync.Service.config.xml
3. Modify the key "scheduler.execution.nodeid" setting the NodeID of the suite node you want to use (you can read the NodeId in the support web page).

For example:

Old value:
<preference key="scheduler.execution.nodeid" value="imgfax-da" />

New value:
<preference key="scheduler.execution.nodeid" value="imgfax-ny" />

4. Save and close the file.
5. Start the service "Imagicle Synchronizer" from the Windows services console.

Article ID: 569
Last updated: 19 Feb, 2025
Revision: 5
Views: 494
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