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AXL not working correctly - Error Nr. -2147012894 and user are not synced with error [GetData] Operation too long

Article ID: 616
Last updated: 22 Apr, 2020

Applies to

Application Suite: any version 


AXL is not working correctly

Users sync fails with error: Interrupt -> Internal rule's Exception (Pbx): [GetData] Operation too long (05:00:00.0630527), aborting. --> No Parent exception

You can see in the log file <StonevoiceAS>\Var\Log\SvSasAXL.log_XXXXX some errors like:
Error Nr. -2147012894 Timeout dell'operazione
Error detecting CM family (438): Object doesn't support this property or method
Status after request: Proxy Error ( Forefront TMG denied the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL))


The system is configured to have WinHTTP use a proxy


Verify the configuration of WinHTTP (Microsoft Windows HTTP Services) on the server.
From a elevated command-prompt:

Check if WinHTTP is configured:
netsh winhttp show proxy

Reset WinHTTP configuration:        
netsh winhttp reset proxy
delete the two registry keys:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\WinHttpSettings
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\WinHttpSettings

Restart Imagicle AXL client in Windows Service Panel

Microsoft documentation here: 

Article ID: 616
Last updated: 22 Apr, 2020
Revision: 2
Views: 1009
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