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FAQ and Solutions
document IAS web page returns error IIS error 500.19 Dynamic Compression Module error
Applies to: IAS all versions running on Windows 2012 R2 Description: Opening web admin page we got the error in subject Cause: It's due to the fact the server is has Dynamic Compression features enable in IIS Solution: In order to fix the issue, you need to uninstall the Dynamic Content...
rating 16 Jan, 2017 Views: 438
document How to move IAS database from local SQL Server Express to an external SQL Server
Applies to: Application Suite Description: Steps to move IAS database to another SQL Server instance Solution: Make sure the destination SQL server is the same or higher version of the source SQL server. Make sure your SQL is already installed on the destination machine and that you have...
rating 16 Jan, 2017 Views: 1123
document CiscoTSP installation error (CuCM 11.x) - Could Not Load Encrypt Password dll
Applies to: CuCM 11.x Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012 64 bit editions Cause: Cisco bug Solution: While installing Cisco TSP 64 bit for CuCM 11.x on a 64 bit Windows Server (2008 or 2012), the following error is raised just after configuration page. Then, even after rebooting...
rating 16 Jan, 2017 Views: 629
document How to move a SQL database to a new server
Applies to: SQL Server Any version - Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio express required Description: How to backup and restore Blue's SQL database to a new SQL server, even of different versions, provided the target SQL server is the same or higher version. Solution: Please, make sure...
rating 16 Mar, 2018 Views: 1413
document Web portal not accessible by https with "ERR_SSL_FALLBACK_BEYOND_MINIMUM_VERSION" or "Secure connection not available" errors
Applies to: Application Suite up to Winter 2017.1.1 (fixed in 2017.1.2) Description Web portal is not reachable by HTTPS protocol with updated browser (Google Chrome >= 50, Mozilla Firefox >=45). Trying to open https://<IPIAS> result in ERR_SSL_FALLBACK_BEYOND_MINIMUM_VERSION or...
rating 15 Mar, 2018 Views: 477
document Unexpected error installing Windows Hotfix KB2483177...error -2145124329
Applies to IAS all versions Description Installing Application Suite we got the error: Unexpected error installing Windows Hotfix KB2483177...error -2145124329 ) COMMAND: C:\Windows\system32\wusa.exe ... As in the below screenshot: Cause Desktop Experience Feature not installed ...
rating 30 Nov, 2017 Views: 358
document Backup Failed Bcp command exited with an error: Executable name bcp.exe
Applies to Imagicle Application Suite all version Description Imagicle Backup/Restore procedure failed with these errors: Bcp command exited with an error: Executable name {bcp.exe}, Arguments {{BluesPro..ACL}, {out "C:\Users\ImagicleAdmin\Desktop\Backup...
rating 05 Sep, 2023 Views: 1527
document Configure Cisco XML Service in HTTPS
Applies to: Imagicle UC Suite for Cisco UC, all versions Description: This article details how to configure a Cisco XML to use HTTPS toward Imagicle UC Suite. This can be used for different UC Suite application: Phone Lock, Contact Manager Lookup and/or SmartNumbers, Call Recording...
rating 01 Jul, 2024 Views: 972
document How to select which server have the ability to sync the users in a Imagicle cluster - HA
Applies to: Summer 2016 and later Description: In a Imagicle cluster, only one server can synchronize users from CUCM/AD/LDAP. By default the first server where you enable the users synch is the elected one (normally it is the first server of a cluster). Follow this procedure if you need to...
rating 06 Dec, 2020 Views: 415
document How to increase the warning value reported in the monitoring tool for MaxMemory consumed by the billing system
Applies to: Any Application Suite Description: By default the MAM (Application suite monitoring service) is set to send a warning when the bminer.exe process (used in the billing system) exceeds the memory usage of 200MB. How-to: To increase this warning value and set it to -for example- to...
rating 15 Mar, 2018 Views: 399
document Estos MetaDirectory configurations backup / migration
Applies to: Estos MetaDirectory - Any version Description: Procedure to backup or migrate Estos MetaDirectory configurations How-to: Stop the main service: from windows administrative tools -> Services -> Stop "ESTOS MetaDirectory" Copy/Backup "database" and "config" folders from...
rating 19 Mar, 2018 Views: 532
document Error while restoring a backup
Description: When trying to restore a backup taken from Application Suite 2017.Winter.1 or higher, the operation could fail. Logs contained in BillyBlues.Core.Wizard folder show the following error: 0406 16:29:03.886 DEBUG { 5} [DatabaseDependenciesFactory] Starting process: File...
rating 04 Oct, 2018 Views: 360
document How to hide applications icons and menu sections from Imagicle Application Suite web interface
Applies to: Description: How to hide applications icons and pages from the Imagicle Application Suite web interface How-to: Application Suite from 2018.6.1 If you want to hide or disable icons form the top frame and home dashboard please follow these steps: Global setting, for all...
rating 12 Apr, 2021 Views: 516
document "An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file" popup message after server restart while updating the Application Suite to version 2018.3.1
Applies to Any Application Suite versions upgrading to 2018.3.1 Description During the update from the any Application Suite versions to 2018.3.1 you can see the error: An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file DeleteFile failed; code 5. Access is denied Cause The...
rating 07 May, 2018 Views: 356
document How to authenticate LDAP users logging in the Imagicle Application Suite web interface using LDAP SSL protocol
Applies to: Imagicle Application Suite web interface Description: When a user that should be authenticated by an external LDAP server, connects to Imagicle web interface, by default its credentials are authenticated to LDAP through standard (389) ldap port; follow this procedure to use...
rating 07 May, 2018 Views: 733
document Error during Application Suite setup: Unexpected error installing Microsoft Visual C 2013 Redistributable Package - error 266
Applies to: Virtually every Application Suite version (it is not an Application Suite problem) Description When installing Application Suite, Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 12.0.40660.0 Redistributable Package (x64) setup could fail with error code 266: Trying to manually install the...
rating 16 May, 2018 Views: 740
document How to import CuCM partition field during synchronization
Applies to: Imagicle Application Suite for Cisco UC, 2018.6.1 or newer Description: Imagicle Application Suite has the capability to directly import users' partition field from CuCM; this option is available, even if it is hidden by default, so it is only matter of making it appearing among...
rating 14 Oct, 2019 Views: 500
document AXL not working correctly - Error Nr. -2147012894 and user are not synced with error [GetData] Operation too long
Applies to Application Suite: any version Description AXL is not working correctly Users sync fails with error: Interrupt -> Internal rule's Exception (Pbx): [GetData] Operation too long (05:00:00.0630527), aborting. > No Parent exception You can see in the log file...
rating 22 Apr, 2020 Views: 1009
document Error while restoring a backup
Description: When trying to restore a backup into an Application Suite 2017.Winter.1 or newer, the operation could fail. Logs contained in BillyBlues.Core.Wizard folder show the following error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException : The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object...
rating 05 Oct, 2018 Views: 246
document Component error during Application Suite setup: 0x800b010a - A certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority
Applies to Any version of Application Suite during a setup from scratch or during an upgrade on a system not up to date. Description Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) - 12.0.40660 may fail with the below error message: Installation failed with error code: (0x800B010A) A...
rating 23 Oct, 2018 Views: 1438