Knowlege base
FAQ and Solutions
document Error "Unable to install feature: WCF HTTP activation" during the IAS upgrade
Applies to: Windows 2012 R2 Description: Installation error during the upgrade of the Imagicle App Suite Unexpected error. Unable to Install feture: WCF HTTP activation. Try to install it manually using Server Manger Cause: The Windows Server Manager is collecting inventory...
rating 14 Dec, 2018 Views: 487
document Application Suite Backup and Restore error. The system is not configured properly.
Applies to: Applies from Application Suite 2018.6.x Description: Error message during a Backup copy of Application Suite Unable to backup. The system is not configured properly. Please follow the configuration wizard to complete the configuration. Cause: [No] option selected...
rating 14 Dec, 2018 Views: 428
document Create a SQL user for IAS database
Applies to: Imagicle UC Suite (any version). Description Use this procedure if you need to create a SQL user to be used by Imagicle UC Suite to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server instance other than the default one, or if you want to leverage Windows integrated authentication For example, you...
rating 29 Jul, 2022 Views: 4646
document Error "The platform specified using the command line (/PLATFORM=) is missing or invalid" installing 2019.Winter.1
Applies to ApplicationSuite 2019.Winter.1. Description Running the setup fails with error message "The platform specified using the command line (/PLATFORM=) is missing or invalid" Cause The file name of the setup program used to install or upgrade ApplicationSuite is either: ...
rating 29 Jan, 2019 Views: 242
document The setup fails because it is unable to install windows server roles and features
Applies to ApplicationSuite 2019.Winter.1 Description Upgrading or installing IAS onto a server without connection to Windows Update service, the setup could fail with error message "Unable to install Windows Server 201X roles and features". Cause The setup is trying to install a windows...
rating 09 Mar, 2022 Views: 1185
document Could not load file or assembly 'Ias.Web' or one of its dependencies
Applies to All version Description Web interface shows the following message: Could not load file or assembly 'Ias.Web' or one of its dependencies WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.​ Stack Trace: [BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'Ias.web' or one of its...
rating 08 Mar, 2019 Views: 1263
document How to schedule Application Suite's backup to a network folder
Applies to: Application Suite, all versions Description: This solution describes how to schedule a full backup to an external network folder or network resource How-to: 1) Download batch file in attach "BackupScheduled.7z and export it in <StonevoiceAS>\System\Script 2) Edit the saved...
rating 14 Jan, 2022 Views: 1470
document ApplicationSuite.PreInstallTool or ApplicatioSuite.PreUpgradeTool crashes upgrading from 2013.Winter.1 or previous
Description When upgrading from IAS version 2013.Winter.1 (2014.1.1) or previous, the setup fails showing one of the following error messages: ApplicationSuite.PreInstallTool has stopped working or ApplicatioSuite.PreUpgradeTool has stopped working Cause ApplicationSuite.PreInstallTool...
rating 17 Jul, 2019 Views: 224
document Imagicle ApplicationSuite setup blocks because RabbitMQ service not running
Applies to Imagicle ApplicationSuite, upgrade from versions prior to 2019.Spring.1 Symptoms Running 2019.Spring.1 setup package, it could happen to get the following pop-up window message: Description When upgrading from any previous version of Imagicle Application Suite >=...
rating 19 May, 2020 Views: 900
document Imagicle ApplicationSuite 2019.Spring.1.H1 known problems
Description Imagicle Application Suite 2019.Spring.1.H1 is affected by the following problems: PAEXec missing during first install or upgrade from IAS version < Winter.2017.1 Error during new cluster creation via HighAvailability menu in IAS Admin Web Page 1. PAEXec is missing issue ...
rating 09 Aug, 2019 Views: 534
document Process Performance Warning by SvSasService and High CPU usage on CUCM
Symptoms CUCM CPU Overload, in particular due to Tomcat process. Monitoring Event (Overlimit Thread) Process Performance Warning: SvSasService(ApplicationSuite.Core.Service.exe) Cause StoneLock is performing lots of HTTP push to every IP Phones and, for some reason, those push are...
rating 23 Dec, 2021 Views: 731
document Imagicle ApplicationSuite 2019.Spring.1.H3 setup error message guide
Description During the setup of Imagicle Application Suite 2019.Spring.1.H3 the following message boxes may appear. Update Imagicle Cluster node before Master "This machine is a part of an Imagicle Cluster. In order to proceed with this upgrade, please upgrade node <HostName> (<IP...
rating 09 Aug, 2019 Views: 374
document High Availability upgrade procedure encountered some errors
Description During setup, there may be several causes for the following error message to appear: "Unable to connect to local Imagicle Replication Service. High availability upgrade procedure encountered some errors. Some Imagicle applications won't run properly until this upgrade has been...
rating 23 Dec, 2021 Views: 898
document Database wizard error 'This SQL Server version (x.xx) is not supported'
Description Database configuration wizard error 'This SQL Server version (x.xx) is not supported' when you try to install Application Suite for the first time. Cause Microsoft SQL Server Management Objects Collection - Version 9.00.4035.00 was not installed due to an incompatible version of...
rating 10 Jun, 2019 Views: 593
document How to Install from scratch IAS 2019.Spring.1 release package on Windows 2008 Server appliance
Applies to: 2019.Spring.1 release or older, running on Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 appliance or virtual machine Description: IAS 2019.Summer.1 release and above can't be installed from scratch on Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 operating system. You can only update an existing installation up...
rating 14 Dec, 2020 Views: 464
document How to solve IAS update failure, on a Windows Server 2008/2008R2 appliance
Applies to: IAS update from 2017.Summer.1 or older release, to 2020.Winter.1h3 release or newer, running on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 appliance/VM is failing due to missing .NET Framework 4.5.2. If you are having issues with installation from scratch on Windows Server...
rating 18 Nov, 2020 Views: 488
document Unexpected error. Unable to install role: Web server (IIS) and all sub-options, during Application Suite installation on Windows 2012
Applies to: IAS 2014 and later on Windows Server 2012. Blue's Enterprise 4 on Windows Server 2012. Description: During Application Suite installation on Windows Server 2012 one of the following errors can occur: Unexpected error. Unable to install role: Web server (IIS) and all...
rating 17 Jul, 2019 Views: 1284
document How to force HTTPS usage for Application Suite web access and gadgets for Jabber implementing a HTTP -> HTTPS redirect in IIS
Applies to: Application Suite all versions Description: If you want that information going through your network to be protected from prying eyes, you can force all your users to use https instead of http to access the Application Suite web interface and for gadgets for Jabber. To do this you...
rating 23 Dec, 2021 Views: 618
document The Imagicle ApplicationSuite setup fails if Microsoft 2015-2019 Redistributable is already installed
Description: When trying to install or upgrade Imagicle ApplicationSuite, the setup could report the following error: Installing microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package (x64)... error 1638 Cause: Another version of the aformentioned package may already be installed on the...
rating 25 May, 2021 Views: 252
document How to remove HTTP access to Imagicle Application Suite
Applies to: Imagicle Application Suite for Cisco UC, Cross-Platforms, Skype-for-Business, version 2019.6.1h2 and above Description: Imagicle Suite by default allows the access to its own web portal by using HTTP on port 80 and HTTPS on port 443. This solution explains how to ban HTTP...
rating 23 Dec, 2021 Views: 350