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document Adding a new Virtual Disk to the Imagicle Virtual Machine
Applies to: All Imagicle versions Description: A second virtual disk can be used to host the Imagicle directory if it needs to be on a disk that is different than the one hosting the Windows directory. Another need for a second virtual disk is because some customers prefer to store the call...
rating 07 May, 2021 Views: 143
document Restoring an old backup (< 2017.Winter.1) could fail if the original database is too large
Applies to Description Error occured during Backup procedure System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Cause If you have an old backup (i.e. taken from a IAS version...
rating 30 Jun, 2021 Views: 138
document Database extended proprieties cause the backup tool to fail on Database Schema Check
Applies to Imagicle Application Suite Description The backup fails on the Database Schema Check step, <StonevoiceAS>\Var\Log\BackupRestore\ApplicationSuite.log will report: 0814 14:50:09.852 ERROR { 1} [ApplicationSuite] [SvDataComUtils] An error occurred: Function...
rating 01 Jul, 2021 Views: 336
document How to Apply Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in SQL Server
Applies to: - Imagicle UC Suite (any version) - Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2017, 2019 Standard/Enterprise Edition Description Use this procedure if you need to apply Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) to MS-SQL Server. TDE secures data in:​ Database Data Files Database Transactional Log...
rating 30 Jul, 2021 Views: 505
document Error at the updating database phase during the Imagicle UC suite upgrade
Applies to Summer 2021 and later Description If coming from a very old Imagicle suite installation, even if kept up to date, it may occur that upgrading to the 2021.6.1 release, the operation fails at the database updating phase. Logs contained in BillyBlues.Core.Wizard folder show the...
rating 09 Dec, 2022 Views: 279
document Prevent IIS Log files from using too much disk space on Windows Server
Description: The log files that IIS generates can, over time, consume a large amount of disk space. Logs can potentially fill up an entire hard drive. How-to: 1. Create a new vbs script in a new folder (example C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Script\IIS Log Retention\iislogretention.vbs)...
rating 09 Mar, 2022 Views: 389
document Exceeded allowed rate for Reatime information
Applies to UC Suite for Cisco UC Description Imagicle UC Suite syncs it's data about phones and, if configured, users with the CUCM cluster using a mechanism known as AXL which is an XML/SOAP API endpoint provided by the CCM platform. The API endpoint is limited, by default, to 15 queries...
rating 08 May, 2024 Views: 547
document Deprecation of Basic authentication in Exchange Online
In September 2021, Microsoft announced that effective October 1, 2022, they will begin disabling Basic authentication for Outlook, EWS, RPS, POP, IMAP, SMTP and EAS protocols in Exchange Online. See full announcement Starting from 2021.Winter.2 release, Imagicle UCX Suite supports OAuth2...
rating 28 Feb, 2024 Views: 3412
document How to migrate IAS data to a new SQL Server instance
Applies to: All UC cloud versions. Description: This article describes how to install, configure, or migrate an older instance to the new SQL Server instance. Starting version summer 2019, the SQL server express of UC suite has been updated to version 2017. Hence this procedure is needed...
rating 31 Mar, 2023 Views: 2267
document How to free up space in Imagicle Server
Applies to: All version Description: How to free up space in Imagicle Server How-to: Delete all Imagicle log files Open folder “\StonevoiceAS\Var\Log Select all files and delete them (“Skip” File in use message) In the web page you can set the retention for the log files...
rating 05 Dec, 2023 Views: 1193
document Troubleshooting Cisco Webex Calling Integrations Authorizations
If the authorization procedure for Imagicle apps fails with the following error message: "Access denied - Your administrator denied access to the integration you selected. We captured your request and will let them know". Then you can selectively authorize Imagicle applications by accessing Webex...
rating 14 Dec, 2023 Views: 261
document How to Install from scratch Imagicle 2024.Spring.1 release on Windows Server 2012 appliance
Applies to: 2024.Winter.1 release or older, running on Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 appliance or virtual machine Description: Imagicle 2024.Spring.1 release and above can't be installed from scratch on Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 operating system. You can only update it on existing...
rating 01 Mar, 2024 Views: 94

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